もののけ姫に窺える宮崎駿の世界観 Miyayaki's world view as seen in Princess Mononoke


My favorite Ghibli work is, without question, Princess Mononoke. It is more than just a mere “anime”. The film serves as a vehicle for exploring Japanese history, religious thought, and the relationship between man and nature. It employs a composition based on Miyazaki’s unique worldview to assail us with a barrage of questions related to these issues. The following is an excerpt from an interview with Miyazaki 20 years ago titled “The Forest and Humankind”.
#PrincessMononoke #HayaoMiyazaki


Interviewer: What message does this film hold for the present?

Miyazaki: None whatsoever. But if you pressed me to name one thing this film has in common with the present, it would be the interrelationship between people and nature. I try to get to the bottom of that (relationship). In doing that, you begin to see the antagonistic and aggressive aspects of man's design and the heart of civilization.



I believe it's wrong to ignore the more fundamental aspects of civilization and simply classify nice people as the good guys and the mean people as the villains. That's not the point. The simple fact is that humankind has treated nature quite cruelly throughout its existence.




We came to view ourselves as the chosen ones, and began to claim that human beings were the highest form of life. Then one day, some people began to caim they were above others, leading them to assign ranks and classes. Nowadays we see a further simplification in progress, this time involving the classification of people into two groups: "good, nice people" and "mean, evil people". But that's not what it really is. It's more than a matter of good vs. evil.



I wanted to make a movie that portrays the relationship between human beings and the natural world, taking into account things such as human “nature”. I wouldn’t call this a message, but rather meandering endlessly in my quest to arrive at the answer which eludes me.



Princess Mononoke is not a film in which the good guys stop the bad guys from burning the forest. Rather, it forces us to grapple with how to accept the fact that good people do destroy the forest.