印象派に窺える般若心経 Buddhist Undertones to Impressionism

間もなく五月が終わりを迎え、そこで梅雨の兆しでもある紫陽花 があちこちで咲き出しています。満開の桜は日本 を代表する風景とも言われていますが、個人的に拙僧が一番好きのは梅雨前の時季に咲く紫陽花です。まるで#モネ などの印象派の画家の筆から垂れた絵具の如く、その彩りが新緑と爽快な演出を共演し、これはまた季節の移ろい の表れでもあります。
The end of May is upon us, and all around the hydrangeas are springing into bloom. This is a sign that the rainy season will soon be upon us. The cherry blossoms in full bloom are often considered to be a vista indicative of Japan, but personally I much prefer the hydrangeas that bloom in the run up to the rainy season. They remind me of splashes of paint that dripped off the brush of Monet or some other Impressionist painter, with the colors combining with the fresh green to create a delightful ensemble. Once again, they provide us with another sign of the passing of the seasons. 
印象派禅宗を始め仏教をあまり意識していなかったであろうが、一瞬の「印象」を必死に描き出す試みが#般若心経 の「色即是空」の神髄と見事に重ね合うと思います。この色即是空が「世界が常に移ろいでいる」という世界観を表しており、ある刹那を切り取って絵にしようとした印象派の画家はまさにその原理を絵を通した描写したとも言えます。すべてが移ろいでゆくからこそ美しいです。その一瞬一瞬に意義を見出すことは色即是空でもあり、それはまた芸術でしょう。
I don't think Impressionists had Zen or Buddhism in mind, but their quest to capture their "impression" of a single instant coincides beautifully with the idea of Shiki Zoku Zekuu in the Heart Sutra. This four kanji construct conveys the idea of how the world is in perpetual motion, changing from instant to instant. The ability of the Impressionists to carve out those moments in their works could be taken as a representation of this concept. Therein is beauty because everything is in perpetual transition. Finding meaning in each single instant is the meaning of Shiki Zoku Zekuu, and that is what art is all about.
On a side note, the characters that make up the Japanese word for hydrangeas (ajisai) literally translate to "purple sun flower". There are other varieties beside the purple one, so I think it's possible to make other combinations of characters. For the photos shown here, it might be best to write 白陽花 (white sun flower) or 青陽花 (blue sun flower).