ありふれた日常に潜む詩情 The Hidden Poetry in the Ordinary


画集に載っているものはある意味で「再現」に過ぎないです。本物を見ると改めてそれを痛感します。友人と一緒に来日中の「フェルメール展 」を観に行ったとき、まさにその思いがしました。本展示会では「光の魔術師 」と称されることもあるヨハネス・フェルメールの僅かの35作品のうちなんと9作が集結され、それと一緒に他の17世紀のオランダの黄金時代の巨匠の傑作も紹介されています。
The works of art we see in book collections are no more than "reproductions". We are painfully reminded of that we see the real thing. This is exactly what I thought when I went to see "Making the Difference: Vermeer and Dutch Art with a friend. This exhibit brings together nine of the mere 35 existing works of Johannes Vermeer, often referred to as the "Master of Light", along with masterpieces from other Dutch painters at work in the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century. 


Gabriel Metsu "Woman Reading a Letter" (National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin)


ヨハネス・フェルメール「手紙を書く婦人と召使い」 (アイルランド・ナショナル・ギャラリー、ダブリン)
Johannes Vermeer "Woman Writing a Letter, with Her Maid" (National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin)

Although he is considered to be the "master of light", Vermeer expertly employs the "shadows" that exist with this light. He takes this collaboration of light and shadow to create tranquil spaces filled with mysterious sense of tension. I took advantage of this rare opportunity to take this in with my own eyes, and found myself completely absorbed in his world. Just like Caravaggio, he truly understood the mutual relationship between light and darkness, and deftly employed the two in his works. The light shining through the window illuminates the objects it hits, while those objects then cast shadows. Vermeer's works show us that the "light" and "dark" are two sides of the same coin. He literally cuts deep moments of tranquility right of the ordinary, accentuating the contrast between "light" and "shadow" in a way that allows us to see the inherent poetry of it all.


ヨハネス・フェルメール 「ワイングラス」(ベルリン国立美術館

Johannes Vermeer "Wine Glass" (Staaliche Museen zu Berlin)

Reality is indeed reflected in pictures taken with a camera, but they lack that something we find in oil paintings. The paint adds an extra layer of texture and three-dimensionality, and the fact that we know it was created with a brush causes us to take note of the finer details. That is what makes art so wonderful. Japan was in the Edo Period when Vermeer was alive, and his native Holland was the only European power allowed to call on Japanese ports. The thought of Vermeer coming to Japan during that era and painting the sights he saw fills me with excitement. 




Johannes Vermeer "Woman with a Pearl Necklace" (Staaliche Museen zu Berlin)



Nicolaes Maes "Girl at a Window, Known as 'The Daydreamer' " (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam)