漢字を通して見るベーダーという闇 Understanding the Darkness that Is Vader through Kanji
中国文化史の研究家である阿辻哲次(京都大学)の助言を頂いてスターウォーズ新作の映画の小説の翻訳に携わった稲村広香が編集した「スターウォーズ:漢字の奥義」は興味深い一冊だ。「漢字を知れば、宇宙が、人間が、己が解る」というテーマに基づいて、「本書は漢字をキーワードとしてスターウォーズの場面を読み解こうとするものです..... いくつの漢字をじっと見ていると、そこにジェダイの光が、シスの闇が見えてくる..... ヨーダの言葉に含まれる洞察や、アナキンの苦しみが現れている気がするのです。スターウォーズ世界の根底に、東洋思想にも通じる理念を感じる方は多いではないでしょうか?(本書の''はじめに''より)。#スターウォーズ #東洋思想 #漢字 #フォースと共にあらんことを #ジェダイ #シス #光と闇
"Star Wars: Kanji Story" is fascinating work put together by the Japanese translator of the novel adaptations of the Star Wars sequels Hiroka Inamura, who enlisted the help of Chinese literary scholar Tetsuji Atsuji (Kyoto University). The book's premise explores how knowledge of kanji (Chinese characters) helps to unlock understanding of the cosmos, humanity, and ourselves. "This book uses kanji as key concepts for breaking down different scenes in Star Wars... Staring at these characters, we come to see the light of the Jedi and the darkness of the Sith... It's as if they provide us a look into perception found within Yoda's teachings, and the anguish within Anakin. Indeed, many probably feel that there is a connection with Eastern philosophy and intellectual thought that lies at the heart of the Star Wars universe." (excerpt from prologue of "Mastering Kanji through Star Wars").
The book takes a look at 43 different kanji characters. One that was especially intriguing is 闇 (yami; "darkness"). When talking about the Dark Side in Japanese, this character/word is always used along with 暗 (kurai/an; "dark"). One great example is in this passage from the end of Obi Wan and Anakin's battle on Mustafar: "You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness (闇)!"
この漢字の成り立ちについて稲村氏がこう解説する:「"闇"は"門"と、読みをあらわす音符"音 (イム→アム)"の文字で構成され、"門"を閉ざすことを意味する。夜に行われた祭祀で、"門"の向こうから"音"が聞こえるのを聞いて、神の訪れを認識したという説もある。同様に、"暗"は太陽の形を示す"日"と、読みをあらわす"音"から成り、日が隠れて"くらい"という意を示す。"闇"と"暗"は意だけはなく、読みも成り立ちもよく似ているわけだ。」
Inamura explains the evolution of the character 闇 (yami) as follows: "The kanji 闇 (yami) consists of two parts. The first is 門(mon). The second is '音', which serves as the reading of the character ('imu', then later 'amu'). It has the meaning of 'sound'. When combined together, the completed kanji conveys the meaning of 'shut behind the gate'. One explanation for the conception of this character was the special rituals performed at night, with the 'sound' of the spirits heard coming from beyond the gate. A similar process lays behind the development of the character 暗 (kurai/an). The first part of the character is 日 (nichi, hi, jitsu) for 'sun', with the second being the same 音 from which the completed character derives its meaning. Taken together, the kanji 暗 implies the meaning of "sun hiding". The underlying conception and inherent meaning of 闇 and 暗 are quite similar."
The one element of this explanation that really caught my attention was the reference to being "shut behind the gate". That single image conveys everything about the essence of Vader's identity. Indeed, Vader is the personification of the meaning imbued within the character 闇 (yami). Interpreted differently, Anakin's fall into darkness can be viewed as the light of Anakin being locked away, imprisoned. This take is vividly portrayed at the end of Revenge of the Sith, Anakin is laid out on the surgical table, with the mask coming down from straight above his head. Right when the mask comes above Anakin's face, we see fear reflected in his eyes. The camera then switches to Anakin's perspective, and we see the mask coming straight down, then locking into place. At that instant, the persona of Anakin is completely locked away. The ensuing sense of imprisonment that wells up gives rise to the pain that becomes engine which drives Vader.
However, no gate remains closed forever. There comes a time when someone opens the door or knocks it down. In much the same fashion, the "dark gate" that shut away the person that was Anakin did not remain closed permanently. Obi Wan and Yoda were captive to the old values of the Jedi, believing that once someone falls into darkness, there is no way for them to come back to the light. Yet, when we adopt a different view and look at Vader in terms of the "闇(yami)" character, we see that this view of the darkness was flawed. There is light inside, and all that needs to be done to let it out is to open/smash down the door. In that sense, Luke understood this facet of "闇(yami)", and it was his fervent supplication that shattered the gate and released the light that was Anakin. The meaning of the kanji character "闇(yami)" implies that darkness is not a bottomless pit. Rather, it's a gate that can be opened and closed.