「闇を抱えて」:漫画「バガボンド」に窺えるより相応しいフォースとの付き合い方“Take hold of the darkness”: Insight from the manga Vagabond into a better way for approaching the Force


One thing that I tried to do when I first started studying Japanese was to expose myself to the language as much as possible. I made it a point to read a lot of manga, and in doing so I steadily grew accustomed to the language. One of the first manga I read was Vagabond by Takehiko Inoue. It is based off the novel Miyamoto Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa, but Inoue chooses to portray Musashi from a different angle, focusing on his struggles and growth in the younger years of his quest for mastery of the sword. I have revisited this manga countless times over the last 15 plus years, and each time brings new discoveries.



Source: Manga Vagabond 



The first two volumes of Vagabond take place right after the Battle of Sekigahara, the clash that effectively ensured Tokugawa Ieyasu would rule Japan. Musashi becomes a fugitive as he was an ashigaru (foot soldier) in the Western Army, the losing side. He kills scores of his pursuers as he runs for his life, and in the process he begins to lose that sense of purpose in living as a result of being constantly surrounded by death. His pursuers refer to him as an oni (demon, monster), and hearing that causes the darkness within Musashi to grow to the point that it engulfs him. Emotionally shattered, the man who succeeds in capturing Musashi is Takuan, a Zen priest. Musashi’s encounter with Takuan, in a certain respect, marks his own rebirth. The words Takuan says to Musashi at the end of Volume 2 really left an impression on me. Here is a quote from that scene:


「(沢庵) 今までのお前をも見捨てるのか?殺すのみの、修羅のごとき人生が本望か、武蔵(たけぞう*)? 違うよ。お前はそんなふうにはできていない。闇を知らぬ者に、光もまた無い。闇を抱えて生きろ、武蔵!やがて光も見えるぞ。


“Are you just going to forsake the person you have been up until now? Is a life of carnage in which all you do is simply take life really what you want, Takezou*? No. You’re not made for that. Listen to me. Those who know not the darkness know not the light. Take hold of that darkness and live, Takezou. You will then see the light.

*Takezou is the alternate reading for the same kanji characters that make up the name Musashi. He takes on the name Musashi from Volume 3.



Source: Manga Vagabond 


光が物体を当たると、まるで延長線の如しその物体から陰が投影される。また、日や月が雲間に隠れると暗くなり、光の存在感が弱まる。光と陰、つまり光と闇は切り離さない共存である。それが良く表現されているのは「闇」との同様のルーツを持つ「暗」の字の成り立ちである。以前このブログで紹介したことのある「スターウォーズ:漢字の奥義」によると「暗」の成り立ちは下記の通り:「 " 暗 " は、太陽の形を示す " 日 "と、読みを表す" 音 "から成り、日が隠れて「くらい」という意味を示す。」要するに、漢字に置いて「暗」や「闇」の意味を成すため「光(日)」が欠かせない。その意味で、この漢字の意味と成り立ちを念頭に改めて沢庵の言葉を読み返すと、「闇(暗)」と「光(日)」の関係がより深淵になる。そして、スターウォーズの世界へ目を向けると、あの遥か彼方の銀河系を一つに束ねるフォースに対するより相応しい付き合い方と理解を窺えると拙僧が思う。


When light strikes an object, it casts a shadow that seems to be an extension of that object. Likewise, the presence of light, whether it be the moon or sun, is dulled whenever clouds pass over it. The existence of light and shadow, and therefore light and darkness, is intertwined. A wonderful representation of this is the formation of the kanji character 暗 (an, kurai), which shares the same roots as the character 闇 (yami). Both of these characters convey the idea of “darkness”. According to Star Wars: Kanji Story, a book I have previously highlighted on this blog, the character was put together in the following manner: “The kanji 暗 features 日, which depicts the figure of the sun, and 音, which influences the reading of the character. Combining these elements, it describes darkness as what happens when the sun is hidden behind the clouds.” In short, “light” is essential to defining the meaning of the two characters for “darkness” within the workings of the kanji character system of the written Japanese language. In that respect, the meaning and formation of these kanji characters make the relationship between light and dark all the more profound when we read that quote of Takuan’s again. Applying this to Star Wars, it is here that I believe we can see a more appropriate approach to and understanding of the Force, the energy field binding together that galaxy far, far away.



Let’s take a look at the last part of Takuan’s message: “Take hold of that darkness and live, Takezou. You will then see the light.” The implied meaning of the Japanese word “抱える (kakaeru: to take hold of, to carry)” here is not so much “受け入れる (ukeireru: to accept, to welcome into one’s being)”, but rather more the idea of “認める、肯定する (mitomeru, kotei suru: to acknowledge, recognize)”. With this connotation in mind, we see that Takuan is telling Musashi not to deny the presence of the darkness, but rather accept that it is part of him. The recognition of this fact is what brings the light into view. When we take this the relationship between dark and light that Takuan espouses here and apply it to the Force, it brings to light a fundamental misunderstanding that played a part in the downfall of the Jedi Order in the final days as it existed in the final days of the Old Republic. The Order wrongly equated “acknowledging the darkness” with “accepting and embracing the darkness”. This misunderstanding led them to actively deny the presence of the darkness, a practice that crystallized into a dogmatic view that prevented them from seeing the Force in its entirety.



Unlike the Jedi Order in the latter days of the Old Republic, the Jedi at the dawn of the Order held a broader view of the Force. This take on the Force is evident in the mosaics and other Jedi art in the ancient Jedi temples scattered across the galaxy. Ahch To, the planet to which Luke exiled himself in The Last Jedi, was home to the first Jedi temple. The architecture of this temple made use of the natural features of the island’s caves and rocky enclaves. In that respect, it provides a visual depiction of the shared traits between the coexistence with nature seen in the old version of Shinto in Japan and the harmony with the living Force in Star Wars. Inside the temple on Ahch To was a pool with a mosaic of Jedi Prime, the first Jedi, at the bottom. The book Art of Star Wars: The Last Jedi (translated back into English from Japanese version) provides the following explanation about the concept art and final version of the mosaic created by Seth Engstrom:


“セス・エングストロムが手掛けたジェダイ寺院のデザインは、道教が用いる陰陽のシンボル(世界は闇と光のバランスで構成されており、両者の差は知覚によるものに過ぎないという思想の反映)を元にしている。ジョージ・ルカースも、「帝国の逆襲」を監督したアービン・カーシュナも、仏教の禅宗を参考にしてフォースを描写した。「これは最初のジェダイ、いわばジェダイ・プライムの姿を模したシンボルだ」エングストロムは2016年3月にそう説明した… 「それが左右に分かれてフォースの暗黒面と光明面に繋がっている。黒い石は宇宙の構造を保つフォースそのものだ。」”

“The Jedi Temple design conceived by Seth Engstrom was inspired by the Taoist imagery of the ying (陰) and yang (陽), which depicts the world as a balance of dark and light, with the difference between the two being no more than perception. George Lucas and Irvin Kershner, the director of Empire Strikes Back, both used Zen Buddhism as a base of reference in depicting the Force. ‘This is a representation of Prime Jedi, the first Jedi,’ said Engstrom in March 2016… ‘both sides of the Force are connected, with the light on the left and dark on the right. The black stones are the Force binding the galaxy together.’ ”  



Source: The Art of the Last Jedi



However, over the course of thousands of generations, the Jedi Order came to deny the Dark Side of the Force. One symbol of this denial was the Jedi Temple that was on the planet of Coruscant. The temple itself was built on the ruins of an ancient Sith shrine, with the Jedi of that era believing that the Dark Side presence which dwelt there had been effectively removed or sealed away. It is a testament to the history of a Jedi Order that sought to entomb the Dark Side and deny its presence. Ironically, this negative view the Jedi held was born out of fear, a fear of the Dark Side. Likewise, the more the Jedi sought to deny the existence of the Dark Side, the larger that monster grew.



The question then is how does one approach the Dark Side. The answer for that is surprisingly simple, as Master Yoda discovers towards the end of the Clone Wars. He learns from the Force ghost of Qui Gon Jin that it is possible for one to preserve their essence in the Force even after death, and thus sets out to the Force planet to find the Force Priestesses who know this is done. There are a total of five Priestesses, and each of them represents an aspect of the Force: Serenity, Joy, Anger, Confusion, and Sadness. When we take a closer look at the composition of this group, we discover that they are the balance of the Force. Joy is clearly a trait of the Light Side, while anger falls under the Dark. However, it is not readily clear as to which side the remaining three (serenity, confusion, sadness) belong. Each of them is essential in the composition of the Force, and the absence of any single one throws the Force out of balance. Likewise, the Force is continually transitioning between these five elements.



Source: The Clone Wars (Lucasfilm)



The following quote appears at the beginning of the episode in which Yoda meets the Force Priestesses: “Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself.” That is precisely the nature of the trial that the Force Priestesses had in store for Yoda. In short, he had to face the darkness within himself and acknowledge it. At first Yoda attempts to deny that darkness within him exists, for in his hubris he believes that he had vanquished it long ago. However, when he enters the cave to which the Force Priestesses led him, he hears an ominous laugh echo throughout the chamber. That voice is none other than his Dark Side presence, and it emerges from the shadow cast on the wall of the cave. Here’s the exchange the two have during their bitter contest:


暗黒面のヨーダ: 「ヨーダは俺が憎い。ヨーダは俺ともう遊んでくれない。俺を役立たずと思っている。」

Dark Side Yoda: “Yoda hates me. Yoda plays not with me any more. Yoda thinks I’m not worthy.”


Light Side Yoda: “Yoda recognizes you not.”


Dark Side Yoda: “Yoda see not what’s inside Yoda?”


Light Side Yoda: “I choose not to give you power.”

Dark Side Yoda: “And yet you spend your days in the decadence of war, and with that I grow inside of you. Know your true self. Face me now, or I will devour you!”


Light Side Yoda: “Part of me, you are not.”
Dark Side Yoda: “Part of you, I am. Part of all that lives. Why do you hate that which gives you power!?


“Yoda thinks me not worthy.”


Light Side Yoda: “Recognize you I do. Part of me you are, but power over me, you have not. Through patience and training, it is I who control you. Control over me, you have not. My Dark Side you are. Reject you, I do.”



Source: Star Wars TCW



Here, we once again see Yoda attempt to deny the darkness that is within him. He flat out tells his Dark Side self that “Yoda recognizes you not” and “part of me, you are not.” However, with each rejection his Dark Side self grows more aggressive, compelling Yoda to face him. Yoda’s words and stance toward his Dark Side self can be taken as the entire Jedi Order’s stance toward the darkness. And like Yoda, the entire Jedi Order in the Clone Wars spent their days in the decadence of war, which in turn allowed the Dark Side to grow and manifest itself as their hubris.


ここでもう一度沢庵の言葉に戻りたい:「闇を抱えて生きろ」。大辞典によると「抱える」にはこの意味もある: 「自分負担になるものをもつ。厄介なもの、世話をしなければならないものを自分の身に引き受ける。」自分のダークサイドとの激闘の末、その闇に対する責任を認めるヨーダ。ダークサイドは確かに厄介なものであり、それと向き合えるのは難しい。一方、ジェダイはフォース使いである上、フォースに対する責任を全うしなければならない。自分に宿る闇を認めるのはその一環である。沢庵の言葉が仄めかすように、フォース使いなるものは光だけではく、闇も抱えて生きる道も歩む。ただし、闇を否定してしまうと、それが傲慢という怪物を生み出し、気づかないうちにその傲慢に支配されていく。これはまさにジェダイ騎士団に訪れた不幸な終焉でもあった。この厳しい教訓を経たヨーダは、傲慢として具現された闇を自分のものにし、支配することが出来た。つまり、「恐れているものと向き合えば、己を解放できる」というゴールを達成できた。ジェダイ騎士団にとってもうはや手遅れでもあったけど、その教訓をしっかりと新たなる希望たる者に継がせることが出来た。そして、それによりジェダイの再起の礎を敷いた。

Once again I’d like to go back to the words of Takuan: “Yami wo kakaete ikiro (Take hold of the darkness and live).” The Japanese dictionary Daijiten provides the following definition of “kakaeru” (infinitive of “kakaete”): “To bear a burden that is one’s own. To take on something troublesome that you must look after (i.e., be responsible for).” Yoda finally accepts his responsibility to the darkness at the end of his bitter struggle with his own Dark Side self. There is no question the Dark Side is full of trouble, which makes it difficult to come to grips with. That said, as users of the Force the Jedi needed to uphold their responsibility to that Force, and part of that was acknowledging the darkness that resided within them. Just as the words of Takuan imply, Force users walk a path in which they take hold of both the light and the darkness. However, if one denies the presence of that darkness, it gives life to the monster that is one’s hubris, and before they realize it that hubris comes to dominate them. This is the unfortunate fate that befell the Jedi Order in the end. However, the challenging trial Yoda undertook enabled him to take control of the Dark Side of himself embodied by his own hubris. In that respect, he succeeded in facing that which he fears and setting himself free. While it may have been too late for the old Jedi Order, Yoda was able to pass this lesson on to those who represented a new hope. In doing so, he helped lay the foundation for the reset of the Jedi Order.



Source: The Art of the Last Jedi