Kage and Ohigan: Two Points of Reference in Viewing Ahsoka Series Episode 5 「影」と「お彼岸」を基点に見るアソーカシリーズのエピソード五

いつものように、新しいスターウオーズを見るとき、まず英語音声、日本語字幕で見て、その後は日本語吹替で観る。 #アソーカ シリーズの視聴もそうであった。日本語吹替で観るときは、その日本フィルターを通して新たなスターウオーズの面を垣間見える。アソーカの第五話の「影武者」のエピソードでも、またこういう発見もあった。
I always watch new Star Wars in English with Japanese subtitles first, and then do my repeat viewing in the Japanese dub. The Ahsoka series was no different. Watching Star Wars in the Japanese dub helps bring to light new facets of Star Wars brought into focus by that Japan filter. Episode 5 of the Ahsoka series, "Shadow Warrior", once again brought new discoveries.


Source: Disney

そのタイトルの日本語訳を見た瞬間に集中が一旦途切れてしまった。「影武者」?英語のタイトルは「#ShadowWarrior」となる。拙者の母国語は英語であるから、まず思い浮かんだのは「陰に潜む武者」や「幻・幻影の武者」というイメージ。一方、日本語の「影武者」はやや違う印象を与える。最初に連想したのは、#黒澤明監督 の作品である #影武者。
My concentration broke for a split second when I first saw the Japanese title. #Kagemusha? The English title is #ShadowWarrior. To me this initially suggested "a warrior lurking in the shadows" or "an apparition of a warrior". However, the Japanese title "Kagemusha" conjures up different images. The first that came to mind was what is seen in the #AkiraKurosawa film #Kagemusha.


Source: Toho

戦国時代において、大名達は敵の目を欺くために、同じ服装をさせた身代わりの武者を起用した。黒澤監督作品の「影武者」では、武田信玄が急逝したあと、敵の目を欺くためその影武者が信玄に「なりきる」。でも、「影武者」という日本語にもう一つの意味がある。国語辞典によると、影武者のもう一つの意味はこう:「 陰にあって、表面にいる人の働きを助ける人。または、表面の人を操る人。黒幕。」さて、この #アソーカ の第五話のタイトルにおいて、どの意味が働いているであろう。
Daimyo in Warring States Japan often used doubles to protect themselves from enemies. In Kurosawa's film, we see the "kagemusha" of Takeda Shingen essentially become him after Shingen's sudden death. But that is not the only way kagemusha is used in Japanese. The Japanese dictionary has this definition as well: "Someone in the shadows helping the person in the light. Someone behind the scenes controlling that person." Reading that definition made me think about which part the Japanese title could be hinting at for Episode 5 of Ahsoka.

この #アソーカ の第五話では、「 陰にあって、表面にいる人の働きを助ける人」という意味合いが働いているとも解釈できよう。「表面にいる人」はアソーカであり、その人の動きを助ける人は「#アナキン の幽霊」。精神的にアソーカが停滞していた、アナキンとの再会によりそれを脱することが出来た。ここでこの「影武者」の「影」の字を考察したい。この字が好きだ。数多くの日本語の単語に用いている。その中に挙げたいのは「影響」と「面影」との熟語。まず「影響」。字ごとに分解するとすごい意味になる:「影が響く」。フォースを通して、代々のジェダイの「影」が響き渡ると言うイメージ。
One take could be the first part: ""Someone in the shadows helping the person in the light." The person in the light is Ahsoka, and the person helping her is #Anakin's ghost. Ahsoka had mentally stalled, but thanks to this reunion with Anakin she overcame that. Here I want to look at the 影 (kage) character in 影武者 (kagemusha). I love this character, and it's used in lots of Japanese words. Two of these are 影響 (eikyo) and 面影 (omokage). First we'll look at 影響 (eikyo). When you break it down, you literally get "kage ga hibiku (the echoing of the shadow)". This conjures up the idea of the "kage" of past Jedi echoing through the Force to those Jedi in the present.

アソーカにとってフォースの中で一番輝かしい「影」は当然アナキンである。アナキンの影が絶えずに響いて、アソーカに影響を与え続けている。「影の武者」は絶大な影響を誇る師匠であり、フォースを通してアソーカはマスターのinfluence (影響)を受けてる。こう「影」の解釈がなかなかいい。次は「面影」。これまたすごい単語。字を分解すると「面(表)にある影」となる。「面影」は記憶の中に宿って、つまり思い出である。アソーカの場合は記憶の中にアナキンの面影があり、彼の影(影響)がアソーカの表(行動)に現れる。この第五話がまさにそれを描写した。
For Ahsoka, the brightest "kage" in the Force was naturally Anakin. His "kage" never stopped echoing, always influencing Ahsoka. The presence of this "kage no musha (shadow warrior)" was immense, and Ahsoka felt that presence in the Force. I like this take on the meaning of "kage". Next we have 面影 (omokage), a truly amazing word. Breaking it down character by character we get "omote ni aru kage", or "shadow on the exterior/outside". "Omokage" refers to something lurking in the conscious, essentially a memory. Going with this line of thought, we see that Anakin is the omokage present within Ahsoka's mind and memories. His "kage (ei-kyo; influence)" can be seen in the outward expression (actions) taken by Ahsoka. Episode 5 can viewed as a depiction of this.

Shadow Warriorを「影武者」と訳出するのは直訳すぎとは最初の印象であったけど、この語彙と字ごとをこうやって考察していくうちに、思ったより深い意味がそこにある。翻訳者がそこまで考えたかわからないけど、この考察を経て自分也の納得に辿り着いた。やはり日本語がスターウオーズに合う。
As I said, my initial reaction was #Kagemusha was too literal a translation of #ShadowWarrior. But in taking a closer work at the word, it became much deeper. I don't know if the translator had that in mind, but this word exercise proved useful for me, and reminded me again of what a great match Star Wars and Japanese are.

The stage for Anakin's reunion with Ahsoka in Episode 5 ''Shadow Warrior'' is known as the ''World Between Worlds''. This episode was first aired in mid-September, which happens to coincide with the ''Ohigan'' season in Japan. "Ohigan" is a Japanese Buddhist term that describes the seven day period around the start of spring and fall. Japanese philosopher Ken Kadowaki says it's not really clear why that is the case. He provided this explanation in the April 2013 edition of the magazine Bungeishunshu:

"Ohigan seems to be unique to Japan, with no equivalent really seen in Indian, Chinese, and Korean Buddhism. Japan has always had an affinity for sunset and the setting sun, and this seems to have melded with the worship of Amida (Amitābha), the Buddhist deity residing in the western paradise. Basically, people in Japan came to view the setting sun in the west on the two equinoxes as means to confirm where that western paradise may lay, and thereby think of cherished ones who had crossed over to be welcomed by Amida. In addition, the setting sun on these days brought to mind their own fleeting mortality, making them think of the day when they too would be welcomed by Amida and those dear to them with a heartfelt "well done". "



Source: Author photo

「その浄土で阿弥陀仏に迎え入れられた故人を偲ぶ」を読んだ時、アーソカシリーズの第五話の #影武者が思い浮かんだ。既に浄土(=宇宙のフォース)で阿弥陀仏 (=アミダラ=パドメ)に迎え入れた師匠であったアナキンを偲ぶアーソカは、狭間の世界でアナキンと再会、新たな教訓を授かる。門脇氏の解説を念頭に改めて見ると、お彼岸に狭間の世界を見出せる。またお彼岸のころは、赤い花火の如く華が咲き乱れる。この時季に見られるから、日本では「彼岸花」という呼称が付けらている。極楽浄土から舞い戻った故人のように、アソーカに自分の姿を現すとき宇宙のフォースから生けるフォースに還ったアナキンの輝かしい存在をよく表していると思う。
#お彼岸 #アーソカ #アナキンスカイウォーカー #宇宙のフォース #生けるフォース #彼岸花
When I read the "think of cherised ones who had crossed over..." part, I thought of what we see play out in Episode 5 in the Ahsoka series. Ahsoka's thoughts go to Anakin, who has already crossed over to paradise (i.e., cosmic Force) to be welcomed by Amida (=Amidala=Padme). She then meets him in the World Between Worlds, where he imparts a new lesson. In a certain sense, there is a parallel between the World Between Worlds and Ohigan when rewatching this episode with Professor Kadowaki's explanation in mind. Likewise, there is a certain flower resembling a red firework burst that blooms around the time of Ohigan here in Japan. While it is known as a "spider lily" in English, in Japanese it is called "Higanbana (bana=hana=flower)". Just as cherished ones who crossed over to paradise come back at this time of year, I feel these bright flowers are a nice analogy for the bright presence of Anakin going from the Cosmic Force back to the Living Force when he shows himself to Ahsoka. #Ohigan #Ahsoka #AnakinSkywalker #CosmicForce #LivingForce #HiganBana


Source: Photos by author