哀れと天晴: スターウォーズにおけるクローン兵士の二重性 Pathos and Triumph: The Duality of the Clone Troopers in Star Wars

Language is truly a living entity in a perpetual state of transition. The shifting currents of history and social upheaval cause the meaning of words to “transform”, and this transformation is often accompanied by a corresponding change in worldviews which enveloped those expressions. The Japanese language is no exception. The introduction of Buddhism, kanji characters, and other forms of Chinese culture by way of the Korean peninsula left an indelible mark on Japanese, giving rise to countless new expressions. With the emergence of Japan’s own nobility, which modeled itself after the courts of ancient China, it created its own language culture such as waka (poetry).
興味深い変遷を成し遂げた単語の一つは「あはれ・あわれ(哀れ)」です。案外にも「哀れ」は意味に富んだ言葉でもあるけど、デジタル大辞泉によると近世以後は主として悲哀・哀憐(あいれん)の感情を表すのに限定されている。しかし、平安時代ではより深遠な意味合いがこの単語に込めていた。日本文化の優れた研究家である松岡正剛によると「哀れ」は平安時代の王朝が生み出したキーコンセプトであり、季節や人やものごとの有為転変を詠嘆するときに用いられていた (参照:Roots of Japan[s])。
One word that has undergone a fascinating transformation of its own is aware (哀れ). This word is rich in meaning, but according to the Digital Daijisen dictionary its usage in modern times has been limited almost exclusively to the ideas of sadness/grief and pathos/compassion/pity (for another’s plight). However, this word held a more profound meaning in the Heian Period (794-1185). Seigo Matsuoka, a leading scholar of Japanese culture, identifies aware as a key concept of the culture created by the court of this age. The noble culture used aware to express admiration for the vicissitudes of the seasons, people, and all the ephemeral things in life (Ref: Roots of Japan[s]).
侍の台頭で時代が平安から鎌倉に移り変わり、その社会の変革により「あわれ」から新たなコンセプトが派生した。ここで松岡氏の言葉を引用したい。「武士たちは、こうした王朝の雅びに惹かれつつ、潔く死にゆく者たちの{あはれ}を、破裂音を伴って{あっぱれ」と名付けました。世の移り変わりを儚む{あわれ}の感覚をあえて、積極的に受け入れていく{あっぱれ}に転じていったのです(参照:Roots of Japan[s])。」このように、「あわれ」から「あっぱれ」が派生したけど、それ以降の時代でその両方の言葉は表裏一体の関係を持ち続けていた。ただし、明治維新により武士政権の時代に幕が降り、西欧列強のような近代国家の道を歩むと決意した日本ではこの武士の特質な価値観を表す「あっぱれ」という言葉が次第に使われなくなっていく一方、「あわれ」は現在の意味合いが確立されてきた。
The rise of the samurai signaled the transition from Heian into the Kamakura period, and with this dramatic change in Japanese society a new variation of the “aware” concept was born. Once again Matsuoka provides us with great insight here. “While the samurai were attracted to the elegance of court culture, they chose to substitute the “w” in aware with the explosive “pp” sound—more befitting their nature—resulting in the term appare. This new term was used to express admiration and respect for fellow warriors dying in good grace, thus transforming a sympathetic emotional response into an active affirmation of the transient nature of the world (Ref: Roots of Japan[s]).” While existing as a distinct word on its own, appare was essentially the other side of the aware coin, and this duality continued over the course of the next few centuries. The Meiji Restoration in the 19th century signaled the end of the warrior-led regime in Japan, with the new government embarking on the path to become a modern nation-state like the Great Western Powers of that age. The word appare faded from the lexicon, and with it the unique samurai worldview that it expressed, while aware settled into the meanings it possesses today. 



平家物語の絵巻の一枚(出典: 明星大学図書館)

Scene from ''Tale of Heike'' (Source: Meisei University Library)


Turning our eyes to that galaxy far, far, away, there is a group of characters that embody the duality of the aware and appare concepts: the Clone Troopers (Clones). Indeed, you would be hard pressed to find another set of characters in the entire Star Wars saga that suffer a more tragic fate than the Clones. In that sense, I believe they symbolize the pathos inherent in the aware concept. They were essentially no more than expendables manufactured by the Kaminoans with their advanced cloning technology to fulfill a distinct purpose. The Clones were engineered to obey orders while being able to think on their feet. At the same time, they were also programmed to age at twice the pace of normal human beings so that could be “put into use” sooner. While they qualify as “human beings” in terms of their genetics, some elements within the Jedi Order as well as society at large did not really view them “as human” because they were created via a synthetic process.


クローン生産ラインを視察するオビ・ワン (出典: starwars.com)

Obi Wan checking out the Clone production line (Source: starwars.com)


Many people believed that the Clone Army was created to protect the Galactic Republic from the threat of civil war it faced from the Separatist Movement. The vast majority of the Clones took a sense of pride and purpose in this “public” role, giving their all in the service of the Republic. They rejected the notion that there were mere expendables and actively embraced their identity as human warriors on the battlefield, not war machines. This image of Clone troopers fighting and falling gallantly serves as a fitting parallel of the appare worldview formulated by the samurai in the Kamakura Period in Japan. The Commission for the Protection of the Republic (COMPOR) deftly employed this imagery to create a convincing sell for the public, portraying the Clones as gallant heroes staking their livings for freedom, democracy, and the Republic. Drawing upon this appare imagery, COMPOR coined the nickname “boys in white” for the Clones and used them to advance the Republic’s propaganda.


共和国のプロパガンダ (出典: Wookiepedia)

Grand Republic propaganda (Source: Wookiepedia)

As the war wore on, the Clones each began to develop their own unique personalities and characters. This individuality was further enriched by the trust and friendship they built with their Jedi commanders with whom they fought, and with that influence their own sense of humanity blossomed. This realization was vividly reflected in the message Captain Rex of the 501st gave to Dogma, one of the troopers under his command, during the assault on the planet Umbara. “I used to believe that being a good soldier meant doing everything they told you. That’s how they engineered us. But we’re not droids. We’re not programmed. You have to learn to make your own decisions.”

キャプテンレックスと第501隊 (出典: starwars.com)

Captain Rex and the 501st (Source: starwars.com)


Rex himself did not realize it at the time, but his own words hinted at the tragic aware aspect of the Clones own destiny. Yes, the Clones were human, but they were also synthetically “manufactured”, and thus ironically subjected to the same “programming” that was carried out in the fabrication of droids. Their default settings left them programmed to carry out orders without questioning, just like droids, so long as one certain command (order) was entered. These default settings were governed by a control chip embedded within the Clones’ cerebrums. These settings were slowly changed as a result of the individuality fostered by the friendship and sense of trust Clones developed with their Jedi commanders. Indeed, these changes helped make them even more human. That said, there was a command that could restore those default settings: “Order 66”, the special order to kill the Jedi hatched by Darth Sidious. The only way to override this command was by physically removing this chip, which Rex and a few Clones did. Unfortunately, the vast majority carried out the order without any objections when it was issued, just as they were “programmed” to do.


オーダー66を遂行するクローン (出典: starwars.com)

Clones executing Order 66 (Source: starwars.com)
The execution of Order 66 was swift and efficient, delivering the intended effect. With the Jedi Order annihilated, Palpatine (Darth Sidious) proclaimed himself Emperor and reorganized the Republic into the Galactic Empire, seizing complete political and military control. The contributions of the Clone Troopers were indispensable to the formation of this Empire, and Palpatine lavished praise on them for their gallant (appare) service. While their glorious deeds were widely publicized across the galaxy, these plaudits were ultimately no more than empty propaganda. In the eyes of Palpatine, the Clone Troopers were no more than tools that could be disposed of once they had served their purpose. The accelerated aging programming that sped up the growing process to quickly make the Clones battle-ready began to work against them, leaving them less fit for duty as they grew older. The Clones were “manufactured” for war, but with the end to the conflict with the Separatists that avenue of service all but evaporated. Ironically, there is a compelling case to be made that it was their gallant deeds (appare) which led to their own pathos (aware).
The Clones all had to deal with the question of the underlying purpose of their existence after being mustered out of service. There were probably more than a few who took pride in knowing that their service played a major role in the formation of the Empire. On the other hand, they were likely those who were tormented by the regret and guilt they felt for killing the Jedi commanders with whom they had developed a mutual trust and friendship. In addition, they were also those who despaired over their “wretched lot” of being cast aside, grappling with doubts about if it was even worth continuing on with their lives. Ultimately, this was a choice that each Clone had to make on his own, and that decision vividly reflected his own individuality. At the same time, this choice served as a reflection of his humanity.
There were some Clones who rejected the pathos of their existence and took a more affirmative outlook on their lives. Three such Clones were Rex, Wolff, and Gregor, all of whom removed the behavior control chips from their head. They accepted the fact they were slowly wasting away, but still found a way to apply their own experience and knowledge, which was joining the Rebellion in its fight against the Empire. In short, they accepted what it meant to be a Clone, but also made an affirmative choice to live out their lives as human beings. That is a gallant approach to life worth emulating.


レックス、グレガー、ウォルフ (出典: wookiegunner.com)

Rex, Greggor, and Wolffe (Source: wookiegunner.com)