「移ろい」という日本的なコンセプトを考える(1) Thoughts on the Japanese concept of ''utsuroi'' (1)

The planting of the rice paddies, the blooming of the hydrangeas. Throughout the month of June, all around we signs that remind us of this seasonal transition. One word to express this change in Japanese is "utsuroi (移ろい)", and it may be my favorite Japanese word after "hakanai (儚い: fleeting, transient)". Beneath the surface of this word lies a deep profound worldview and mode of thought that is uniquely Japanese.

Seigo Matsuoka, a scholar that has devoted his entire career to the study of Japanese history, culture, and intellectual thought, provides this explanation into the workings of the Japanese word "utsuroi":

''The word 'utsu' (emptiness, void) comes from 'utsutsu' (the now), which refers to what is clearly and obviously real. 'Utsutsu' essentially describes being awake, outside the realm of dreams. A 'utsutsu' person is one of real flesh and blood, existing in the now. The same line of thought applies to the word 'utsutsu gokoro' (with 'gokoro' or 'kokoro' referring to 'heart' or mind'), which describes a unwavering sense of emotion firmly rooted in reality. 'Utsuroi (change, transition)' exists between 'utsu' and 'utsutsu'. First there is this empty hollow that is 'utsu' in which nothing exists, or at least it feels that nothing is there. Then, at some point in time, this 'utsuroi' begins to emerge, and as you follows this change, you discover that at some point it "changes" over into reality. Processed through this "utsuroi" filter, we see the 'unreality' transform into 'reality'. Put differently, all forms of this 'utsutsu' reality are essentially one of the end results of the 'utsuroi' process. Likewise, when you delve deep into the roots of 'utsuroi', you come back to the 'unreality' of 'utsu'. In short, 'utsuroi' describes how nothing turns into something.

As I look at the photos uploaded with this post, I find myself standing in complete agreement with what Mr. Matsuoka says. Back in May there was no water or rice seedlings in the field, and the hydrangeas were completely void of any sign of flowers. But at some point, water flowing into the field transformed it into a rice paddy in which rice seedlings were planted, and the hydrangeas gave rise to sprouts that burst into bloom. These examples are the perfect manifestation of 'utsuroi' at work.
